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Failed Applications - Lost Forever?

by Kenjie Davis

Let’s face it, stuff happens. We can’t avoid mishaps in life. Individuals that fill out our membership applications are also victim to life’s circumstances. Sometimes the system times out, the power goes out, the internet dies, or the computer shuts off. Maybe the person gets distracted or gets stuck on the application and gives up. Regardless of what leads to the incomplete application, that potential member could be lost forever . . . or are they?

Fortunately, for Naylor AMS users the answer is NO. One of the great things that Naylor AMS does is saves incomplete applications for administrators to access. Now it’s up to you to reach out and save that member!

Here’s what we suggest: Treat failed applications like a membership inquiry. This means respond to them immediately! Most organizations have a 24-48 hr response policy for membership inquiries. Perhaps treat incomplete applications with a bit more urgency because they are very delicate situations, but definitely don’t let your response time exceed your policy. Contact The AMS Guy to learn how to access the incomplete applications. Make it a part of your daily management process to check for failed applications and provide a response to the individuals. Naylor AMS also lets you take the created profile and make it active so that individuals don’t have to repeat the entire application process (although they have to complete the renewal process to become a member).

Failed applications are an issue that can affect recruitment efforts. 3-5% of applications will fail for some reason. While we can’t completely eliminate them from occurring, we can be proactive about mitigating their affect. Many AMS/MMS systems don’t capture those individuals, letting them get away possibly forever. Fortunately, Naylor AMS users have a system that doesn’t let them get away. So don’t you do the same. Go get ‘em!

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